People may not really like their jobs all the time, but most people still need to keep going in order to earn income to support their families. If they are unable to pay bills and other monthly expenses it can be difficult for them and their family. That is why many companies in Pennsylvania are required to pay workers’ compensation benefits to workers who are injured on the job.
This compensation can be used to pay for monthly expenses while injured employees cannot work, and also pay for medical bills associated with the injury. These benefits continue, for the most part, until the worker is able to work again. However, sometimes because of a lingering injury the worker may not be able to do the same job they did before and may be forced to take a job that pays less money.
This can continue to make life difficult since the injured worker would have less money available to meet their needs. People in this situation may still be able to receive partial compensation. The total compensation the worker would receive is two-thirds of the difference between what they were earning and the lower income they were forced to take when they started working again. This compensation is paid in addition to what they are currently earning. This compensation can also last for up to 500 weeks, which can be very beneficial for the worker and their family.
Unfortunately many workers in Pennsylvania are injured each year on the job. Many of these individuals will need workers’ compensation benefits in some capacity for a period of time. However, employers and insurance companies have incentive to try to downplay an injury and the amount of compensation. It is important that people understand their legal rights in these situations.
Source:, “Partial Disability” accessed on Oct. 3, 2017