3 Top Causes of Office Injuries

Posted On: February 2, 2018


Just because you do not work at a construction site or factory does not mean you cannot get an injury at work. Even office workers are at risk for workplace injuries. There are unique hazards in an office environment that are not present in other lines of work.

But what exactly causes office injuries? Read on to find out what may cause you to get hurt at your desk job.

1. Improper ergonomics

Sitting in a chair all day may seem safe, but it actually may directly result in various musculoskeletal injuries, such as:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Muscle strains in the back, neck or shoulders
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis

These injuries often occur if your workstation is not ergonomic. If your computer monitor is too high or your chair does not have lumbar support, you may get an injury. Make sure your workstation is set up properly and you take frequent breaks.

2. Falls

You are at risk of falling in your office because of the following hazards:

  • Slippery floors
  • Insufficient lighting
  • Tripping over electrical cords, loose carpeting, objects in walkways or an open desk drawer
  • Using a chair instead of a ladder

To avoid falling, you should report any hazardous situations and remain alert wherever you are walking.

3. Lifting

Working in an office often requires you to lift various objects. Even if you lift small loads improperly you may sustain an injury. Be sure you lift with the proper posture, even when handling stacks of paper or a computer monitor. Before you choose to lift something too heavy, ask a supervisor or co-worker for assistance. 

You may assume that working in a comfortable, calm office is safe and free of hazards, but there are numerous health and safety risks all around you. Being aware of these risks is the first and most important step to avoiding the chances of office injuries. Make sure you talk to your boss if you have any concerns about hazards.

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