Warning Signs of a Toxic Nursing Home

Posted On: October 30, 2019


It can be devastating for guardians to know their loved one is facing mistreatment in their nursing home. According to the World Health Organization, around 1 in 6 adults ages 60 and older suffered some form of abuse in a community-based setting in the past year.

Fortunately, guardians may be able to spot warning signs that a facility might be harmful before they place their loved one in their care.

Red flags a nursing home may deliver inadequate care

Here is what caregivers may want to look out for:

  • Nursing home administration refuses to answer or deflects questions.
  • The staff seem frantic, unavailable and unprofessional.
  • There is a high level of employee turnover.
  • Residents seem scared of some staff members.
  • Utilities and equipment in the facility seem unsafe or outdated
  • Phone calls are continually being unanswered.
  • Residents look dehydrated and malnourished.
  • The guardian has a bad gut feeling.

Assessing the quality of a facility is important

Guardians can help make sure their elderly loved ones have a happy and healthy experience as they transition into the end of their lives. Those who endured mistreatment in an assisted living facility may want to contact a knowledgeable and diligent elder law attorney. They can help get abuse victims and their families the justice they deserve.

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