Did you experience birth complications? You could get compensated

Posted On: February 12, 2017


With modern technology and knowledge, medical professionals have childbirth down to a science. Despite this, there are still things that can go wrong. It can be especially heartbreaking if their child ends up injured for life or killed. But, it is possible that doctors could have avoided the complications altogether. Their negligence may enable you to hold medical staff accountable for medical malpractice.

First, it is necessary to know whether what occurred was medical malpractice or not. Sometimes, doctors do everything they can to save a child and still be unsuccessful. But, there are instances where medical professionals could have done more. The following are some examples of some legitimate breaches of standard procedure:

  • Not diagnosing extreme or correctable birth defects
  • Improper delivery or trauma during birth that could result in nerve damage, for example
  • Not caring for a baby after birth
  • Delivering a newborn too early or late
  • Not addressing complications with the mother
  • Not noticing fetal distress

If you suspect your newborn suffered due to negligence, it may be in your best interest to contact a law firm that has board certified civil trial specialists to handle birth injury cases and medical malpractice. Luxenberg, Garbett, Kelly, and George have experience in birth injury cases. Our firm has connections with various medical experts. They can determine what medical standards doctors breached. We also have connections with economists. They are usually able to forecast what a dead or disabled baby may earn later in life. An attorney can use both of these to your advantage in court. They may be able to get those responsible to award you the damages you deserve. Of course, nothing can replace the loss of a new child. But, any compensation may be able to bring some help and peace of mind.

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