We Represent Victims of Motorcycle Accidents

Posted On: June 15, 2017


A previous post on this blog gave motorists in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, helpful tips on driving around motorcycles. Being on guard is important, especially since motorcycle riders do not have protection and are likely to get seriously injured in a collision. Moreover, a motorcycle is prone to tipping during a sudden maneuver, so even a near miss can be serious or even deadly.

Unfortunately, not every Pennsylvania motorist is going to be attentive and look out for motorcycles on the road, and such drivers will inevitably cause an accident. When this happens, the other driver may try and blame the motorcyclist. This technique can prove effective, especially since many people have some prejudice against motorcyclists.

Our first task in any accident is therefore to try to figure out exactly what happened. To investigate an accident thoroughly, we will rely on experts to document and interpret the evidence, such as the location and length of any skid marks. We also will work hard to identify all witnesses and get their statements.

Even if no one is disputing that another driver caused a motorcycle accident, there is still the issue of how severely a motorcyclist was injured. For these issues, our office works with doctors and other experts to make sure that victims get full payment for their lost wages, medical bills and pain and suffering.

In the meantime, while a case is pending, we are willing to help our clients work out arrangements with medical providers and other creditors. This gives our clients the opportunity to recover compensation and then pay off their bills.

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We only work with clients and cases we truly believe in, we take your case because we genuinely believe in both you and your case’s importance.

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