Common Ways That Motorcycle Accidents Occur

Posted On: September 15, 2017


Summer is winding down in Pennsylvania, but it is still warm enough to get out and ride motorcycles. So, many motorcyclists are still on the roads and will be until fall turns into winter. It is important that other motorists are still aware of motorcycles and look for them when they are on the roads. Motorcycle accidents can be very devastating for the motorcyclists and cause catastrophic injuries.

There are many causes of motorcycle accidents and many are caused by negligent drivers. Some of the common causes are: cars turning left in front of the motorcycles, leaving them no chance of avoiding the car; another is hitting gravel on a turn or taking a turn too fast; cars hitting a motorcycle as they change lanes or hitting a motorcycle from behind; locking the brakes also causes many accidents; another hazard is a car door opening without seeing the motorcycle; wet conditions are also dangerous; and, finally, alcohol use causes many accidents.

Motorcycle accidents can cause significant injuries and damage to the motorcycles. If the accident was caused by a negligent driver, the motorcyclist may be able to receive compensation from the negligent driver. This compensation can be very valuable for the motorcyclist as they recover from the injuries.

Many motorcyclists in Pennsylvania are the victims of motorcycle accidents each year. Many of these are the fault of the other drivers on the road and could have been avoided except for their negligence. If this is the case, the motorcyclist may be entitled to compensation from the driver of the other vehicle.

Source:, “10 common motorcycle accidents and how to avoid them” Wes Siler, February 2, 2017

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