How Can Big Rigs Reduce Safety Hazards on the Road?

Posted On: August 17, 2021


Any motorist that does a lot of highway driving has contended with semi-trucks, often referred to as big rigs. These sizable vehicles haul goods and equipment across the nation, so they are an important part of commerce. However, they are also associated with a number of serious driving hazards.

According to Consumer Reports, 28% of the 107,000 collisions that take place in the U.S. each year involve semi-trucks. Here are two ways to make big rigs safer for all drivers.

Adopt advanced automotive safety technology

Virtually all passenger vehicles contain advanced safety systems, such as blind spot alerts, lane departure warnings, and emergency braking. While semi-trucks do have features like anti-lock brakes to make for a safer driving experience, they lack many of the safety technologies that passenger vehicles already have.

While some trucking companies have willingly begun adopting new technologies, many others are reluctant to do so because of the cost. That is why safety advocates urge government mandates to ensure all truckers have the latest safety features at their disposal.

Reduce speed limits for truck drivers

Depending on the type of truck, big rigs can weigh up to 80,000 and span 74 feet in length. Because of their massive size, these vehicles are extremely hard to stop suddenly. That makes them more likely to crash when faced with unexpected road hazards. Due to these risks, some propose that truckers should drive at slower speeds than other vehicles. Increasing driver training may also have a positive impact on highway collisions.

Your actions on the road can also play a role in safety. Always remain alert and aware, do not drive with distractions, and maintain the speed limit when driving on the highway.

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